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  • How to upgrade your GVD VMS 4.0 free trail to GVD permanent license ?
    For GVD Free Trial Upgrade: - If you have old installed trial version on your server, you must completely remove old one before install this free trial version. - All existing system settings / configurations also need to remove. - After installation, you will have a 64 channel trial license. To upgrade to GVD permanent license from GVD trial license: - Follow the instructions to install the software. - You need to update your permanent license on your trial SW first before your new SW upgrade if any, otherwise, you might lose your configurations. - Your trial software comes with a 64 channel free trial license. - Please make sure to update GVD permanent license before your trial expired, otherwise you might lose your settings and configuration. For GVD permanent license installation upgrade : - Follow the instructions to complete the software upgrade. - After that, you can continue to use the software with your existing license, and your configuration will keep the same. However, the upgrade process also subject to the version you previous installed. Check up your version before your installation. If you didn't see your version in this file, then contact your GVD Sales representative.
  • 如何使用GVD VMS 4.0軟體,自試用授權升級至永久授權 ?
    免費試用軟體升級: - 若你的電腦上已安裝過舊的試用版軟體,必須完全移除後才能再度安裝此免費試用版軟體。 - 原有之系統設定檔也將一併移除。 - 完成安裝後,將擁有64錄授權軟體供您體驗。 自試用授權升級至永久授權: - 依據軟體指示安裝軟體。 - 升級軟體前,需確認已將試用授權更新至永久授權,否則會遺失設定檔。 - 你將擁有64錄授權軟體使用。 - 請務必在試用授權有效期間內取得永久授權並更新,不然已完成之設定將無法保留。 正式版軟體升級: - 依照軟體指示完成軟體升級, - 升級後將可繼續使用已有的永久授權,相關設定檔也可保留不受影響。 唯升級方式依不同版本而有不同,請在升級前確認當下使用之軟體版本 若不在以下列出之版本請洽GVD業務人員。
  • How to choose the right NVR hardware for 64x IP cams recording ?
    Regarding to the hardware specification suggestion, GVD offer the detailed table in KIC about mini hardware requirement for GVD VMS 4.0 Suites. If you have other requirements need to check, please contact us from e-mail or LINE or WhatsApp.
  • How to choose the right Database Server hardware for 400x IP cams recording solution?
    Regarding to the hardware specification suggestion, GVD offer the detailed table in KIC about mini hardware requirement for GVD VMS 4.0 Suites. If you have other requirements need to check, please contact us from e-mail or LINE or WhatsApp.
  • How to choose the right Workstation(E4200) hardware for 32x IP cams video display and monitoring ?
    Regarding to the hardware specification suggestion, GVD offer the detailed table in KIC about mini hardware requirement for GVD VMS 4.0 Suites. If you have other requirements need to check, please contact us from e-mail or LINE or WhatsApp.
  • How to choose the HDD for NVR or Failover recording ?
    1. HDD selection: must be Enterprise HDD for your Rackmount Server 2. If need RAID redundancy protection, then recommend MegaRAID
  • How to build up your RAID Storage for your NVR or Failover Server ?
    Ref to Admin Manual/Appendix VI. Create RAID Storage for NVR, Failover and Archive Server
  • Failed to install GVD SW-C5104 Database Server , what shall I double check first ?
    Need to double check you have the Proper Network Environment 1.) Ethernet cable is connected to a working and powered on network switch from Database Server first 2.) Only allow one ethernet port activated on C5104(if there are more than one either ports on C5104 Server) and only one IP address allowed to assign to that ethernet port. For the detail, please refer to: Admin Manual/Appendix II./Proper Network Environment
  • I have 400 cameras project, which requires Failover solution, which VMS package I shall pick up ?
    You may need VMS Max Package for your product. Refer to:
  • Can I turn off the auto start and auto sign in config?
    You can find these options on the 'NVR Configuration Page'. For complete details, please refer to the 'Admin Manual: Manage NVR Settings / Manage System Security'.
  • My E4200 is running very slow on the live video display , what shall I do to improve ?
    Please double check the following sections(in DET file), or refer to Manual/Appendix II./Video Display Performance Measure on Workstation, VideoWall and Other Clients
  • How come my E4200 after installed, the live video decoding performance is not as good as I expected ?
    Please double check you already finish the following sections on DET, these task will effect our E4200 video quality.
  • How to start the recording?
  • VMS Installation SOP
  • My NVR Windows cropped ? How to restore ?
    Open Viewer Settings Check your aspect ratio Please refer to Admin Manual/ Manage Display for more details.
  • I noticed there is mem leaking on my NVR, what I shall do ?
    Please double check these items all completed, if not, please do it. It will may you memory leaking.
  • How to rebuild my HDD?
  • How to collect logs?
    GVD provide a collect tool name 'collect_info' to help user collect their logs. The complete operation please see the training video.
  • How to backup VMS Database Server ?
    Backup & Restore Configuration This section provides guidance on the tool used in the GVD package for backing up configuration files. It is applicable to four products: Pro NVR, VMS Database Server, VMS Conductor, and Failover Server. The operational steps are as follows: 1. Download the file “Config_Backup _00_04_01_X_XXX.exe” to your server, ensuring that this tool exclusively on local server. There is no service for backing up to other servers via network. 2. Confirm the available storage space, Database Server requires approximately 20GB, the others need around 100MB. 3. Open the tool” Config_Backup _00_04_01_X_XXX.exe” 4. Follow the prompts and enter your choice. 5. For backup, choose option (1) Backup. 6. Select the appropriate location to save the configuration. Then complete the backup action. 7. The same tool is used for restoration. When choosing the operation, select option (2) Restore and choose the file saved earlier. Then finish the restore action. Regarding to Windows OS backup can refer to the GVD Training Video
  • Backup your NVR configuration
    Backup & Restore Configuration This section provides guidance on the tool used in the GVD package for backing up configuration files. It is applicable to four products: Pro NVR, VMS Database Server, VMS Conductor, and Failover Server. The operational steps are as follows: 1. Download the file “Config_Backup _00_04_01_X_XXX.exe” to your server, ensuring that this tool exclusively on local server. There is no service for backing up to other servers via network. 2. Confirm the available storage space, Database Server requires approximately 20GB, the others need around 100MB. 3. Open the tool” Config_Backup _00_04_01_X_XXX.exe” 4. Follow the prompts and enter your choice. 5. For backup, choose option (1) Backup. 6. Select the appropriate location to save the configuration. Then complete the backup action. 7. The same tool is used for restoration. When choosing the operation, select option (2) Restore and choose the file saved earlier. Then finish the restore action. Regarding to Windows OS backup can refer to the GVD Training Video
  • I want to remove the operational permissions of a certain account. How do I do this?
    About the 'manage permissions', you need to 📍 Open User Accounts page To manage user accounts, including user groups and permissions, it relies on the User Accounts page. Follow the guide below to open the User Accounts page. From the Taskbar, click the Home button . Next, from the system Home that opens, click the linked text Configure. Then, from the Configure menu that opens, click the User Accounts button. The User Accounts page then opens and auto shows Users settings in the Workspace. In case the Users settings doesn't show, click Users from the Navigational Pane. Move the mouse pointer over the user account that you want to remove. A cross sign icon then shows in the upper-right corner of the user account you want to remove. Hit the cross sign icon . The system then prompts you to confirm the deletion. Hit the Remove button.
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